Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Make Corrections In The Society?

Islam doesn’t only comprise of rules and regulations and teachings for the individuals but it also comprises of the deeds n the social and political level. The social duty of the people also rests in Islam. Dawah plays an important role in correction of society. Online holy Quran is the best form of spreading the word of Islam in the world. Following are the objectives of dawah are:

• Guiding people top the religion of Allah
• Establishment of the evidence against those who are against Islam.
• To bring Muslims at one platform.
• To spread the Muslims at one platform.
• Preparation of Muslims for the establishment of a Muslims society.

It is necessary that the hadood of Allah is implemented in a Muslims society. So that all know the limits within which the Muslims should stay. "Those who, if We establish them in the land, perform salaah and give obligatory charity and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. With Allah rests the (decision) on (all) affairs."

Hudood is the boundary set in order to implement the lawful and unlawful things. It is prevention so that the people of a society stay with in the boundaries defined in the Quran.
The conditions for correcting the wrong are:

• For correction of deeds one has to be aware of the wrong.
• One wrong should not be corrected by another wrong.
• Correction of wrong should not lead to sins.
• One should not act like a hypocrite and correct the wrong from its roots.


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